Revitalize Your Skin!


At Glow Up with Dee, under the guidance of our esteemed founder, Amanda Hubbard, experience the epitome of rejuvenation with our state-of-the-art laser microneedling services.

Utilizing the unparalleled precision of the Candela GentleMax Pro laser system, we redefine beauty by targeting imperfections and stimulating collagen production, all while under the expert care of Amanda. Each session is meticulously crafted to cater to your individual needs, ensuring optimal results and client satisfaction.

Dedicated to excellence and safety, we prioritize your comfort throughout the entirety of your treatment journey, providing a revitalizing experience that leaves you with a renewed sense of confidence. Say goodbye to signs of aging and welcome a radiant, youthful complexion with our transformative laser microneedling solutions.

What's so special at
Glow Up with Dee

Transform Your Skin with Microneedling Services at Eternal Beauty Spa, where Innovation Meets Renewal. Our Advanced Microneedling Techniques Target Fine Lines, Acne Scars, and Uneven Texture with Precision and Care. Experience the Ultimate Rejuvenation as Microneedling Stimulates Collagen Production, Unveiling a Smooth, Radiant Complexion. Say Goodbye to Imperfections and Hello to Youthful Vitality with Microneedling at Eternal Beauty Spa.

Expect The best

Embark on a transformative journey with our laser microneedling services, where cutting-edge technology meets skincare innovation. Delight in the harmonious blend of precision and rejuvenation as our advanced laser microneedling system gently stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin texture and tone. Feel the subtle yet impactful micro-pulses of laser energy as they delicately penetrate the skin’s surface, triggering its natural healing process. Under the guidance of our skilled technicians, experience a customized treatment tailored to your unique skincare needs, ensuring optimal results with each session. Immerse yourself in the tranquil ambiance of our spa environment, where every moment is dedicated to your comfort and well-being. With laser microneedling, unveil a revitalized complexion and embrace the radiant glow of youthful skin, empowering you to radiate confidence and beauty from within.

How does the process work?

Glow Up with Dee has a defined chronology to bring out best results for your skin


Begin with a thorough consultation conducted by our experienced healthcare professional. Your skin condition, medical history, and specific requirements will be carefully assessed to develop a personalized treatment plan.


Prepare for your laser treatments with a personalized plan designed for your skin's needs. Our team will schedule sessions tailored to achieve your goals, ensuring each step leads to radiant results. Trust our expertise for a transformative experience.


Experience the precision of our specialized laser device during your treatment appointments. Our advanced technology ensures targeted and effective treatment delivery.


Receive comprehensive post-treatment care instructions from our expert professionals.

We'll provide guidance on skincare routines and offer ongoing consultations to monitor your progress and address any concerns.


Microneedling typically involves minimal discomfort, as numbing cream is applied beforehand to alleviate any potential sensation. Most clients describe the feeling as a slight tingling or pricking sensation during the procedure.

The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual skin concerns and goals. However, a series of 3 to 6 sessions spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart is often recommended for noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance.

While some redness and mild swelling may occur immediately after the procedure, it typically subsides within a few hours to a day. Most individuals can resume their normal activities shortly after treatment, although it’s advisable to avoid direct sun exposure and rigorous activities for a few days.

Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, and mild skin irritation, which usually resolve within a few days. In rare cases, more severe side effects such as infection or scarring may occur, but these are extremely uncommon when the procedure is performed by a trained professional using sterile equipment.

Microneedling is effective in addressing a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, uneven skin texture, enlarged pores, and hyperpigmentation. It stimulates collagen production and promotes skin renewal, resulting in smoother, firmer, and more radiant skin over time.

We MAke laser Microneedling treatments Affordable and Simple

At Glow with Dee, we are committed to providing transparent and straightforward pricing for all our services, including our laser microneedling treatments. Microneedling is a powerful solution for improving skin texture, reducing acne scars, and promoting collagen production for a more youthful appearance. Our pricing structure for microneedling reflects our dedication to honesty and accessibility, with rates tailored for treatments targeting small, medium, or large treatment areas. Whether you’re seeking to refine skin texture or address specific concerns, our ethos of transparency ensures that you know exactly what to expect, allowing you to embark on your skincare journey with confidence and clarity.

Just Face Face & Neck
Single Session $350 $500
Package of 4 Sessions $1100 $1600
Package of 8 Sessions $2000 $3000

Fill Up The Following Form To Get In Touch With Us

You may contact us any time at 865-562-3121 to book a free consultations and move a step closer to your next makeover.