Effortless Beauty With Every Treatment

Get Flawless Skin With Glow UP With Dee

Welcome to Glow Up with Dee, a one-stop destination for the best skincare in Knoxville. We aim to redefine the beauty experience with state-of-the-art treatments and therapies. 

Guided by our esteemed founder, Amanda Hubbard, we offer an array of advanced wellness and laser services. From laser hair removal & anti-aging to advanced aesthetic treatments, we are committed to helping you reach your best self. We can tailor solutions according to our client’s needs and preferences while promising reliable, outstanding results.

Treatments Offered Under Laser Treatment

Procedures Customized To Suit Your Needs

Hair Removal

Comprehensive hair removal from various body parts.

aesthetic treatments

Tailored Solutions for Addressing Diverse Skin Imperfections.


Treatment addressing a spectrum of aging concerns

Our Treatment Pricing


At Glow Up With Dee, we’re committed to providing exceptional laser treatments that deliver real results. As part of our dedication to your satisfaction, we offer transparent and competitive pricing for all our services.

For a limited time, enjoy your first laser treatment on us! Experience the benefits of our GentleMax Pro Plus laser system with no cost.

We MAke laser Treatment Affordable and Simple

At Glow with Dee, we believe in keeping things simple, especially when it comes to pricing. We understand that transparency and clarity are essential for our clients, which is why we’ve streamlined our pricing structure to make it easy to understand. Whether you’re considering laser treatments for small, medium, or large treatment areas, we’ve got you covered with straightforward pricing that ensures you know exactly what to expect.

Small Treatment Area

For those seeking targeted treatments in smaller areas, such as the lip and/or chin, our small treatment area category is designed to address your specific needs. Whether you're looking to remove unwanted hair or diminish imperfections, our laser treatments offer precise and effective results in these delicate regions.

Medium Treatment Area

Our medium treatment area category encompasses a range of popular treatment zones, including underarms, half arms, half legs, bikini area, Brazilian, and the entire face. Whether you're aiming for smooth skin, reduced pigmentation, or enhanced elasticity, our laser treatments cater to these broader regions with precision and care.

Large Treatment Area

For those seeking comprehensive solutions for larger areas, our large treatment area category includes options such as whole arms, whole legs, chest, and back. Whether you're looking to achieve hair reduction, fade age spots, or tighten sagging skin, our laser treatments offer effective results across these expansive regions.

Our laser services are designed to deliver lasting results, but achieving your desired outcome often requires a series of treatments. During your required initial consultation, our experienced professionals will assess your unique skin concerns and recommend a personalized treatment plan tailored to your goals. 

Typically, laser treatments consist of a series ranging from 4 to 8 sessions or more, depending on individual requirements. To make your journey to radiant skin even more convenient, we offer discounted pricing for packages of 4 and 8 sessions.

And as a special treat for our valued clients, take advantage of our exclusive launch promo discount on these packages, making it easier than ever to invest in your skin’s health and beauty.

How does the process work?

Glow Up with Dee has a defined chronology to bring out best results for your skin

Initial Consultation

Begin with a thorough consultation conducted by our experienced healthcare professional. Your skin condition, medical history, and specific requirements will be carefully assessed to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Treatment Sessions

Experience the precision of our specialized laser device during your treatment appointments. Our advanced technology ensures targeted and effective treatment delivery.

Recurring Treatments

Depending on your skin condition and treatment goals, multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve optimal results. Our team will guide you through the recommended treatment schedule for your specific needs.

Post-Treatment Care

Receive comprehensive post-treatment care instructions from our expert professionals. We'll provide guidance on skincare routines and offer ongoing consultations to monitor your progress and address any concerns.

Long-Term Impact

Maintain the benefits of your laser treatments with diligent sun protection and skincare practices. Enjoy long-lasting results and radiant skin with consistent care and adherence to our recommendations.


Fill Up The Following Form To Get In Touch With Us

You may contact us any time at 865-562-3121 to book a free consultations and move a step closer to your next makeover.


The number of sessions needed varies depending on individual factors such as skin type, hair color, and the specific concern being treated. Generally, clients can expect to undergo a series of 4 to 8+ treatments for optimal results. During your initial consultation, our experienced technicians will assess your unique needs and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Laser treatments are generally safe for most skin types, but certain factors such as skin color and sensitivity may affect the suitability of the treatment. Our spa uses advanced laser technology and employs trained professionals who will evaluate your skin type and customize the treatment to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Laser treatments are designed to be minimally discomforting, with most clients describing the sensation as a slight tingling or snapping feeling. Our state-of-the-art laser systems incorporate cooling mechanisms to enhance comfort during the procedure. Additionally, topical numbing creams may be applied for those with sensitive skin or undergoing treatments on more sensitive areas.

The longevity of results varies depending on the type of treatment and individual factors such as skin condition and lifestyle habits. For example, laser hair removal typically offers long-lasting results, with hair regrowth becoming finer and less noticeable over time. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to prolong the effects of treatments and address any new concerns that may arise.

Laser treatments can be performed on various areas of the body, including the face, arms, legs, bikini area, and more. Our spa offers treatments for a wide range of concerns, from hair removal to pigmentation issues and skin tightening. During your consultation, our team will discuss your specific goals and determine the most suitable treatment areas to address your needs effectively.